Hey there! If you're like me, diving deep into TypeScript has been a roller coaster of discovery. Among the many gems I've stumbled upon, the Omit and Pick utility types have been game-changers. Let me share a bit about my experiences with these two.

The Pick Interface

What's the deal, huh? So, Pick is like your personal shopping assistant for types. You tell it which properties you want from an existing type, and voilà, you get a brand-new type with just those properties. Given a type TT and a set of properties PP, the Pick operation can be represented as TPT \cap P.

In set theory terms, the UserName type is the intersection of the User type with a set that only contains the name property.

Diving into Pick, there's some seriously good stuff to rave about. First off, its flexibility is unmatched—it's like crafting the perfect sandwich, picking only the ingredients I'm craving. And talk about clarity! It's a breeze to see which properties I'm juggling, making my code a lot more readable. But, it's not all rosy.

I'll admit, there are times I get a bit too enthusiastic and end up complicating things more than necessary. And, oh boy, the maintenance! As in every codebase's foundational types shift and change, you've got to be vigilant, ensuring that the types you've "picked" are still vibing well. It's like keeping tabs on a growing chain of dependencies, but hey, that's the coder's life for you!

The Omit Interface

Think of Omit as the sibling of Pick. Instead of telling it what you want, you tell it what you don't want. It's like ordering a pizza and saying, "Hold the olives 🤨." Given a type TT and a set of properties PP, the Omit operation can be represented as TPT - P.

The UserWithoutEmail type is the difference of the User type with a set that only contains the email property.

When I first started using Omit, I was blown away by its precision—it's super handy when I want to leave out just a thing or two, especially from those chunky types. Plus, it's a lifesaver in ensuring I don't accidentally toss in stuff I'd rather keep out. But, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. In the beginning, I'd often jumble up Omit and Pick since they're kinda like two sides of the same coin. And, just like with Pick, I've realized I've got to be on constant alert, especially when my main types undergo changes. It's been a learning curve, but totally worth it!

Before we conclude, let's delve deeper into the intricacies of these utility types and their impact on our coding journey.

Properties and Implications

Idempotence \odot

Applying Pick or Omit multiple times with the same parameters will yield the same result. For instance, Pick<Pick<User, 'name'>, 'name'> is the same as Pick<User, 'name'>.

Commutativity \oplus

The order in which you pick properties doesn't matter. Pick<User, 'name' | 'id'> is the same as Pick<User, 'id' | 'name'>. This is because the intersection of two sets is commutative.

Associativity \otimes

You can chain Pick or Omit operations, and the order of operations won't affect the result. For example, Pick<Omit<User, 'email'>, 'name'> is the same as Omit<Pick<User, 'name'>, 'email'>.

Identity \circ

If you pick all properties of a type or omit none, you get the original type back. Similarly, if you omit all properties or pick none, you get an empty type.


Omit and Pick have been real MVPs in my TypeScript toolkit. They've given me so much control over my types, but I've also learned to use them wisely. If you're diving into TypeScript, give them a shot and see how they fit into your coding style. Happy coding! 🚀

Thanks for reading! 🥰

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